In a nut shell...

I'm here to talk about passion, photography, love and a few other bits and bobs...Not to sell you my business! Join in, have a chat. Enjoy what you do and hopefully what I do, put & share!

#Newbie Blogger

Ohh the #hashtag! It gets everywhere doesn't it. I'm starting to go #tag crazy! But less about that and more about why I'm here :)

I'm Sophie, a photographer in good old Hull! I could go on about my business and all my aims etc but you're not interested in all that so I'll keep it brief (thank god ah?)

It's all about passion. It's about love, capturing those special moments, those looks we give each other (yeah those ones!) and about showing people's personalities. We can tell a lot from a photograph. We are instantly drawn to the eyes - did you know that? 

To me, photography is one of the most powerful media techniques in the world. It sets our expectations. We see a photograph and think 'I want to be like that', 'That looks nice'...It's everywhere!

Top tip? - Never go anywhere without a camera. If you don't one day you'll regret it. One day you'll see something and think 'wow, wish I had my camera!'....Luckily the mobile exists ah? And really, who leaves their phone at home? - No one I know!

So anyway, to try and understand me and my passion here's a link for you to have a look at. Why YOU should be a photographer, yeah you. I'm not saying you can be a professional in 20 minutes but these pointers really make you realise you should have a camera on you 24/7!!

I'm not trying to sell you my wedding packages (not yet anyway! ;)) I'm just trying to share my passion & my love.

Follow me on Twitter SNicole_Photos

Or on Facebook Sophie Nicole Photography

Thanks! - Follow/subscribe for updates or just to share your own tips & thoughts :D

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